Meri Brown, a star of the reality show “Sister Wives,” has experienced significant loss in her life. She recently paid tribute to her late mother, Bonnie, and her father, William “Bill” Barber Jr., in a heartfelt post on social media.

Meri’s father, Bill Barber, passed away before the premiere of the TLC show in 2010 at the age of 64. Her sister, Teresa Kuntz, also tragically passed away from cancer in 2006. While Meri’s parents practiced polygamy, it is unclear how many half-siblings she may have lost over the years. However, she does have surviving siblings who supported her during the grieving process when Bonnie passed away.

During an episode of “Sister Wives,” viewers witnessed the emotional turmoil Meri faced when she learned of her mother’s terminal condition in a hospital in Utah. Meri’s disappointment with the lack of support from the rest of the family was evident, and the episode was too painful for her to watch. Fans of the show were shocked and upset by the apparent lack of concern for Meri, who had to face her mother’s impending death alone while driving in an extremely emotional state.

Meri Brown has found solace in preserving the memories of her loved ones. When she purchased her family’s ancestral home in Parowan and transformed it into Lizzie’s Heritage Inn, she surrounded herself with reminders of those who came before her. The inn holds significance for her mother, Bonnie, who managed the place before her unexpected passing.

Recently, Meri dedicated time to honoring her father, Bill Barber, who had served in the military. She shared photos of him on her Instagram Stories, accompanied by a caption expressing her pride and love. Meri mentioned that it had been 16 years since his passing and stated, “The world could’ve used a hell of a lot more of this man.” The post, adorned with little pink hearts, revealed her deep affection for her father, who was known for his integrity and love for his family.

In 2019, Meri had previously shared a precious family photo from the 1970s, featuring herself, her parents, and her siblings. The snapshot captured a young and happy family enjoying a vacation in Salt Lake City, and it holds special memories for Meri.

Fans of “Sister Wives” are glad to see Meri Brown remembering her mother and father with pride and fondness, as she honors their legacies and the love they shared as a family.

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