It appears that Jacob Roloff, a former star of “Little People, Big World,” has returned to Helvetia and is helping his father, Matt, with the farm. While Jacob is currently involved in the farm’s operations, it is uncertain if he plans to take it over in the future.

In recent seasons of the show, tensions arose between Matt and Jacob’s twin brother, Jeremy, over the ownership of the farm. Jeremy and his wife, Tori, expressed their desire to purchase a portion of the property, but Matt turned them down. As a result, Jeremy and Tori decided to move to rural Washington and establish their own place. According to Connor, the son of Caryn Chandler (Matt’s girlfriend), the relationship between Jeremy and Matt remains tense, suggesting that Jeremy has given up on the idea of inheriting a piece of the farm.

In contrast, Jacob Roloff pursued his own interests in agriculture and has shown a fondness for experimenting with growing different types of cannabis. He also runs an Instagram account for his dream business, where he aspires to produce a range of organic vegetables. Additionally, Jacob is known for his strong work ethic, and according to Connor, he is currently living on the farm and taking care of many responsibilities. Connor described Jacob as a “rockstar” and praised his hard work.

However, it seems that Jacob may not have ambitions of owning the entire farm. Connor suggested that Jacob wasn’t happy with the tension surrounding property ownership within the family, leading him to back away from any aspirations of full ownership. While Jacob is currently helping out on the farm, it is believed that he and his wife, Isabel, may want to establish their own place, whether it be a bus for traveling or a separate house. It appears that they don’t have plans to live on the farm full-time.

Given these details, it may not be surprising to learn that Jacob Roloff doesn’t aspire to take over the entire farm. He seems content helping out for now but also interested in pursuing his own ventures and potentially finding a place of his own in the future.

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