Dawn Hubsher, known from TLC’s ‘sMothered’ along with her daughter Cher, recently experienced a horrifying ordeal that left her in sheer terror. Dawn’s emotional account of the incident had her crying hysterically as she shared the details with TLC fans. Luckily, she reached out to Cher during the frightening situation, which further showcased their close bond. Read on to learn more about Dawn Hubsher’s terrifying experience and the emotional aftermath.

Fans of TLC’s ‘sMothered’ are well aware of the incredibly close relationship between Cher and her mom, Dawn Hubsher. Their bond surpasses what many consider to be normal, and they always maintain a strong connection. This week, Cher received a distressing phone call from her mother that left her deeply concerned.

Dawn shared her horrifying experience with TLC fans, revealing that she called Cher out of sheer terror for her life. The call was a lifeline as Cher could hear the fear in her mother’s voice. Despite the harrowing situation, Dawn managed to survive a nightmare that few can imagine.

Dawn Hubsher, last seen on Season 4 of ‘sMothered,’ had been visiting Israel when the missile attacks and incursions by Hamas began. She described the suddenness and chaos of the situation, with missiles going off and people rushing to seek shelter. Dawn had been waiting with a group to meet a tour guide in Tel Aviv when the terrifying events unfolded.

In an emotional Instagram video, Dawn tearfully recounted her experience, mentioning the bomb shelters at the airport. She shared that she believed she was about to die and called Cher for support. Cher urged her to stay on the phone, providing comfort during the terrifying ordeal.

Fortunately, Dawn Hubsher is now safe. In her Instagram caption, she expressed her gratitude for her safety and extended her condolences to those who were not as fortunate. Dawn emphasized the importance of peace and unity, regardless of religion, race, or beliefs. She concluded by stating that she stands for peace and is praying for the world.

The news of Dawn’s terrifying experience garnered an outpouring of support from TLC fans. Many expressed shock and sympathy, sending their heartfelt wishes and love. Comments flooded in, with fans expressing gratitude for her safe return and sending thoughts to the innocent people affected by the conflict.

Dawn Hubsher, from TLC’s ‘sMothered,’ shared her harrowing experience of being caught in Hamas’ missile attack in Israel. Her emotional phone call to Cher during the ordeal showcased their close bond. Fortunately, Dawn is now safe, and she emphasized the importance of peace and unity in her Instagram post. Fans rallied around her, offering support and expressing their relief that she made it through the terrifying ordeal unharmed.

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