Fans of TLC’s 7 Little Johnstons are finding it hard to believe that Emma Johnston is both 18 years old and a high school senior. With college on the horizon, the question arises: will Trent and Amber Johnston encourage Emma to attend a school close to home, or will she venture further away?

Chatter on Reddit has sparked speculation that Emma may have plans to attend Oklahoma City University. A recent social media post mentioned a “freshman Emma Johnston” and tagged the TLC star, leaving fans convinced that it referred to the same Emma from the show. However, there is a possibility that the tag was a mistake.

Some fans expressed doubts about Emma attending a university that is over 12 hours away from their home in Georgia. They questioned whether Trent and Amber would allow her to go so far, considering what happened with Anna in the past. However, it should be noted that Emma is still in high school, and the usual window for college acceptances may not have passed yet.

There was also confusion regarding Middle Georgia State, as both Emma and her parents have mentioned it. Some fans clarified that Emma is involved in a dual program, earning credits from Middle Georgia State while still attending high school. This does not necessarily mean she is committed to attending Middle Georgia State, as she could transfer the credits elsewhere.

While some fans celebrated the possibility of Emma attending a university away from her parents, believing it would give her independence and personal growth, others remained skeptical about the leaked college choice. The exact details of Emma Johnston’s college plans are yet to be confirmed, and fans will have to wait for further updates from the family to know for sure.

By Lylla

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