Fans of TLC’s The Little Couple have been left wondering why they haven’t seen Will Klein, his sister Zoey, and their parents, Dr. Jen Arnold and Bill Klein, on their TV screens. The passage of time has transformed Will from a tiny tot into a mature young boy. In a recent photo shared by his mom, Will looked all grown up and ready to take on the world.

Throughout the show, viewers witnessed the family’s life in St. Petersburg, Florida, after their move from Houston, Texas. However, when the pandemic hit, filming came to a halt. When news broke that TLC had not renewed the show, fans assumed that the family had chosen to step away from filming. But one day, during an argument with her mom after their move to Boston, Zoey revealed that TLC had dropped them, leaving fans disappointed. They had enjoyed watching the two kids grow up on screen.

Will Klein has rapidly matured since the family’s relocation to Boston, and he has adjusted well to his new surroundings. Recently, Jen Arnold shared with her followers that he has taken on impressive roles. Did you know that he is involved in football and has even taken on a managerial position this year? He is also passionate about lacrosse, a rough contact sport, in which he excels. With his tall and strong stature, he is quickly catching up to his parents.

Jen Arnold took to Instagram over the weekend and posted some photos of her son. She managed to capture him as he entered his room and quickly snapped a picture. Will sweetly posed for more photos, wearing a checked shirt, black pants, a blue fleece vest, and black boots.

In her caption about Will Klein, Jen expressed her delight at catching him all dressed up. Fans, however, still see him as the adorable little boy who arrived from China and is now living his best life. The comments poured in, reminiscing about his early moments on the show:

“I still see him as the little guy who said ‘mommy, cake’ 😂”
“He is so gorgeous. I can see such confidence in him. Great job!”
“Will is so grown up!!💕😭💕 Seems like just yesterday he was just a beautiful baby boy! Great Father/Son pic!!❤️”
“He’s so grown up! It’s hard to believe! I remember when he was a baby in the orphanage and you adopted him.❤️”

Fans continue to be amazed by Will’s growth and development, cherishing the memories of his journey from a young child to the remarkable young boy he has become.

By Lylla

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