Ashley Michelle from 90 Day Fiancé appears to be ready to embark on a new chapter of her life with her fiancé, Manuel Vélez. However, there’s one significant hurdle they have yet to overcome – Ashley has not formally met Manuel’s two sons.

Manuel, who hails from Ecuador, made the move from South America to Rochester, New York, where Ashley resides. However, he has kept his relocation and relationship with Ashley a secret from his family, including his own mother.

The ages of Manuel’s two sons are 12 and 14 years old, which adds complexity to the situation.

Upon Manuel’s arrival in the United States, Ashley discovered that his family had no knowledge of her existence, raising concerns and red flags. Ashley admitted that Manuel was more of a “f–kboy” in his younger years and worried that he was still keeping their relationship a secret.

During a therapy session featured on the November 19, 2023 episode of the franchise, Ashley expressed her frustrations. She felt like a “woman on the side” as Manuel remained guarded about certain aspects of his family dynamics. Despite their upcoming marriage, Ashley had not yet met his children, leaving her feeling unsettled. She acknowledged that his sons only knew her as the person who took their father away.

When confronted about the issue, Manuel provided his reasoning for not introducing Ashley to his children yet. He cited concerns about the language barrier and potential challenges in communication. He worried that Ashley might not understand the way his kids speak or that they might not understand her. Manuel also voiced concerns about Ashley’s sometimes intense and quick-tempered nature, comparing her to a matchstick that can ignite quickly. He emphasized the need to protect his children’s well-being but expressed hope that things would change with time.

In conclusion, Ashley and Manuel face a significant obstacle in their relationship as Ashley has not yet met Manuel’s two sons. Manuel has cited language barriers and concerns about Ashley’s temperament as reasons for delaying the introduction. However, both parties hope that with time, they can overcome these challenges and build a stronger bond as a family.

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