Justin Stroud and Mama June Shannon are currently caring for Kaitlyn, the daughter of the late Anna Cardwell. However, WeTV fans didn’t hold back in criticizing Justin on Friday. Sadly, Anna passed away on her youngest daughter Kylee’s birthday last month, which turned the world upside down for both children.

As Mama June fans were initially skeptical of June Shannon’s new partner due to his own addiction issues, they fear he may enable her drug use. Even June’s daughters, Alana Thompson and Lauryn Efird, were not fond of him initially. However, since Anna Cardwell’s passing, the entire family has faced scrutiny after June gained temporary custody of the 11-year-old girl.

Many Mama June fans believe that Justin Stroud is not the right father figure for Kaitlyn. This sentiment arises because Anna’s former husband, Michael Cardwell, played a significant role in raising Kaitlyn alongside his biological daughter and Kaitlyn’s sister, Kylee. Fans argue that Michael should be the stepfather for Kaitlyn, given his ongoing custody fight to reunite the two girls, rather than Justin, who hasn’t been in Kaitlyn’s life for long.

The family is active on social media, and WeTV fans closely follow their livestreams. Recently, June’s husband conducted a livestream that ended up on Reddit. In the video, he scolded Kaitlyn for wanting to sleep in the lounge, insisting that she should use the bedroom like “normal people do,” disregarding her feelings and experiences.

The Reddit user who shared the clip expressed their concern about Justin’s treatment of Kaitlyn during the livestream, prompting Mama June fans to express their own strong feelings about the situation. Many fans criticized Justin for lacking empathy, especially considering Kaitlyn’s recent loss and the emotional toll it may have on her.

In conclusion, Mama June fans have voiced their disappointment with Justin Stroud’s behavior towards Kaitlyn, particularly during a livestream where he scolded her for wanting to sleep in the lounge. Fans argue that given the recent loss Kaitlyn has experienced, she deserves more understanding and compassion.

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