Sister Wives star Meri Brown has been generating buzz with the introduction of her new boyfriend, Amos. She recently shared on social media how they both share a love for Christmas and that her dog, Zona, approves of him. In a recent Instagram livestream with her friend Jenn, Amos made his debut, but it was his apparent dig at Meri’s ex-husband, Kody, that caught the attention of many. Let’s delve into why some believe Meri’s new partner mocked her former spouse.

During Meri’s “Fridays with Friends” segment on Instagram, Amos joined in and provided updates about himself while addressing some rumors. One such rumor was about his alleged four marriages. Amos clarified that he had actually been married three times and confirmed that he had filed for bankruptcy. Meri seemed unfazed by his past, even jokingly mentioning that she had one-upped him since she had three ex-sister wives and an ex-husband.

Amos drew attention when he appeared to take a jab at Kody’s well-known hairstyle. The Brown family patriarch has often been the target of jokes and comparisons to “ramen” or “noodles” due to his hair. During the livestream, Meri’s friend Jenn asked Amos about his favorite snack food. Initially puzzled, he mentioned liking cashews. However, when Jenn asked if he enjoyed “Top Ramen,” both she and Meri burst into laughter. Amos replied, “No, not Top Ramen,” leading fans to believe he was aware of Kody’s signature hairstyle and playfully referenced it.

Adding a twist to the story, an alleged ex-wife of Amos came forward following Meri’s announcement about their relationship. This woman, who chose to remain anonymous, claimed that Amos has an obsession with reality TV stars from Sister Wives and even The Real Housewives. She accused him of being an “opportunist” and speculated that he would use Meri for fame and money. The ex-wife also stated that women have come and gone in Amos’s life, and he has been engaged multiple times. Describing him as a “narcissistic and controlling individual,” she noted his tendency to become extremely jealous.

As Meri continues her journey with Amos, fans remain intrigued by this new chapter in her life and eagerly follow the developments surrounding her relationship.

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