With 11 seasons under its belt, the reality TV series “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” has taken Whitney Thore on an incredible journey. Fans have been avidly following her story since her debut on the popular show, but the latest season has left many questioning what lies ahead for MBFFL.

Whitney has faced significant backlash and trolling for her treatment of Glenn Thore, leading viewers to wonder if there is a future for the show. While working with her friend Jessica Powell for the successful website NoBSactive, fans have been pondering what Whitney’s next steps would be if Jessica were to leave the business. The uncertainty surrounding the show’s future leaves fans wondering if Whitney can thrive once it comes to an end.

The eleventh season of MBFFL saw Whitney receiving criticism for her perceived spoiled and controlling personality. Although she has been collaborating with her close friend Jessica Powell and appearing on the TV show, fans believe that Jessica may be trapped in a business deal with the TLC celebrity.

A recent Reddit thread sparked a discussion about Whitney’s prospects if Jessica were to quit the business. One fan wrote, “I guess there is a silver lining to this since Whitney is financially secure. She can share her wealth with Jessica from time to time.” The fan went on to highlight how Whitney seems to take advantage of her friend, leaving the work to Jessica while Whitney enjoys trips and other pursuits. The fan acknowledged that going into business with a friend is not easy, but emphasized the importance of professionalism and mutual respect.

Many fans expressed their concern for the embarrassment Jessica must face daily while seemingly babysitting a grown adult like Whitney. While fans are convinced that Whitney may struggle without the TLC paycheck, they believe that Jessica is no longer dependent on her friend and has multiple avenues to earn money.

As the future of MBFFL remains uncertain, fans eagerly await Whitney’s next moves beyond the show. Whether she can navigate the challenges and continue her journey without the support of TLC remains to be seen.

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