Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler, known for their appearances on the reality show “Little People, Big World,” have been engaged since April of the previous year. However, despite their six-year-long relationship, Matt Roloff is now experiencing doubts about marrying Caryn Chandler. He is uncertain whether taking their relationship to the next level is the right decision for either of them.

Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler have been together for a significant amount of time and seem content in their relationship. They have faced the usual challenges that couples encounter, but overall, they have appeared happy together, giving the impression that they have the necessary foundation to make their relationship and potential marriage work.

However, Matt Roloff has expressed his apprehension about marrying Caryn Chandler, stating that he is “petrified” by the idea. Although their wedding was initially planned for this year, it now hangs in the balance.

Matt Roloff’s reservations about marriage stem from his belief that their current relationship is working well. He mentioned that they have the mindset of “don’t fix what’s not broken.” It seems that his fear lies in the potential changes and dynamics that a marriage could bring, transforming their existing relationship into something entirely different. He clarified that it is not that they have anything against the institution of marriage, as they both appreciate and have experienced it before. They are simply questioning whether they really need to go down that path again.

While Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler have not officially called off their engagement, they are considering their options. Matt has mentioned to his friends that they are keeping all possibilities open and will revisit the topic in the coming weeks or months.

Although it doesn’t sound like the couple is on the verge of breaking up, it appears that their future wedding and marriage might never come to fruition. Matt Roloff emphasized that they hold great respect and appreciation for the concept and principles behind marriage, but they are carefully weighing all their options before making a final decision.

At this point, everything is uncertain, and Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler are in a state of deliberation, exploring the future of their relationship and what path they should take.

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