Nikki Exotika, a participant on the reality show “90 Day Fiancé,” experienced heartbreak as her on-and-off partner, Justin Shutencov, insulted her. Justin gave her false hope and then criticized her by saying she had “man vibes.” This not only devastated Nikki but also angered the other women on the show. Here are the details.

Nikki Exotika began her relationship with Justin Shutencov on a dishonest note. Justin had no knowledge that she was transgender, as they never had a conversation about it. Instead, Nikki revealed this information during an argument after they had been dating for a while. Consequently, Justin, whose real name is Igor, never had the opportunity to decide if he was comfortable with it naturally. Despite this, they reconnected, and Nikki traveled to Moldova to meet his family and friends as her authentic self. However, it was Justin who had reservations. He never felt at ease with Nikki, yet she continued to support him financially by paying his way and sending him money.

Eventually, Justin ended the relationship via text message, causing immense pain for Nikki. Just before the tell-all episode, Justin gave Nikki a glimmer of hope that they could work things out, only to change his story right before the show aired. During the tell-all, things took a turn for the worse when he made hurtful comments about Nikki. According to reports, he referred to her as manly. Nikki admitted that she had kept the K-1 visa open based on her attorney’s advice. Justin revealed that he was not planning to come to America, and it was Ashley Michelle who informed him that Nikki was indeed a woman.

Furthermore, Justin had no right to speak ill of Nikki, his fellow cast member on “90 Day Fiancé,” but he simply mocked her by calling her a witch. He went on to say, “When I feel man’s vibes, I tell. I don’t understand what the problem is.” Justin also added, “If she learned to behave more like a lady, everything would probably be good between us.”

During the tell-all, Nikki Exotika revealed that her ex claimed he was not gay or attracted to trans individuals. However, he made an exception for her. Nikki experienced a panic attack on the show, but fortunately, she had the support of her mother. She then gave her mother the engagement ring, signifying that she was done with Justin after the hurtful comments he made. She stated, “You’re never going to find a woman like me who did everything for you. You’ll never forget me. Remember that. I can find someone better than you, okay?” Given the on-and-off nature of their relationship, it remains to be seen if this is a temporary break or a permanent end.

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