Whitney Way Thore, known for her role in My Big Fat Fabulous Life, has often faced criticism from fans who perceive her as loud and toxic, seeking attention with her personality. This negative labeling started back in Season 11, as viewers pointed out Whitney’s manipulative behavior towards Glenn Thore, leaving some feeling sympathetic towards him and hoping he would stand up for his freedom. Following the season finale, Whitney went silent on social media for a while, but she has since returned with a transformed version of herself, catching fans’ attention with her new attitude.

Whitney’s previous behavior had earned her complaints from TLC viewers, who never expected her to exhibit any form of refined or subdued demeanor. However, the MBFFL star’s recent activities in Morocco have surprised fans, as she immerses herself in the local culture, visiting new places and learning about their customs. Fans have even spotted her interacting with cats roaming the streets, showing a softer side. In a recent video, she shared her attempt to understand the country’s culture, enjoying folk music performed by local artists while wearing a Kaftan. Whitney adorned her hands with Henna and donned a cap during her visit to Marrakech.

What caught fans’ attention was her composed and restrained behavior during the music performance. Instead of her usual eccentric movements or exuberant jumps, she sat quietly, gracefully moving her hands. Whitney also shared updates of her day in Marrakech, including a heartwarming moment where she convinced her father to wear a Kaftan, and they joyfully explored the streets while indulging in delicious meals. Interestingly, Whitney appeared more serene and subdued in these videos.

Fans were pleasantly surprised by this new version of the celebrity and expressed their admiration in the comment section. One fan stated, “I’m not used to seeing this subdued side of Whitney, but it was very sweet and respectful.” Others were glad to witness the real Whitney, free from any scripted persona. Additionally, many praised her radiant skin in the latest updates, appreciating her natural beauty.

Overall, Whitney Way Thore’s recent change in behavior has captivated fans, who are delighted to see her embracing a more composed and authentic side. As she continues to explore new experiences and share them with her audience, viewers eagerly anticipate what other surprises she has in store.

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