David Toborowsky, known from the reality show 90 Day Fiancé, has shared new updates about his journey towards having a baby with his wife, Annie Suwan. In February, the couple announced their plans to pursue IVF as a Valentine’s Day gift to each other. While they have faced challenges along the way, including Annie undergoing surgery to remove polyps, it seems that things are looking up for them. Let’s delve into David’s exciting news.
David and Annie are currently appearing on the latest season of Pillow Talk, a spinoff show. In addition to their filming commitments, the 90 Day Fiancé stars have been traveling with friends and sharing recipe videos on social media, reminiscent of their past spinoff, Spice It Up with David and Annie. Fans also celebrated with Annie when she officially became a U.S. citizen in February. While her career plans in the U.S. are yet to be revealed, having a child with David appears to be her top priority.
In an Instagram post, David Toborowsky shared photos of Annie shopping for baby products, including baby strollers. He expressed his excitement at seeing his wife prepare for the possibility of pregnancy. However, he clarified that they are not expecting a baby just yet. David expressed his gratitude for the support and prayers from fans, and many followers left positive comments, expressing their hopes that the couple will have a child.
David also celebrated his 56th birthday and shared rare photos from his younger years, some of which featured his family. He expressed his gratitude for the birthday wishes he received from fans through texts, calls, and messages.
Annie Suwan and David Toborowsky faced skepticism from viewers when they first appeared on 90 Day Fiancé Season 5 due to their significant age gap. However, they have proven their critics wrong by staying strong together despite the obstacles in their marriage. They even faced a period where they had to live in a storage unit. Nevertheless, they managed to overcome those challenges and have become one of the most successful couples from TLC’s 90 Day Fiancé franchise.