Tori and Zach Roloff, known for their appearances on Little People Big World, had been part of the show for a significant period, becoming the longest-starring cast members after Matt and Amy. However, due to the farm feud and shifting family dynamics, they decided to part ways with the series after Season 25. Moreover, their children were growing up and considering filming as an invasion of their privacy, further solidifying their decision.

Despite their departure from TLC, Tori and Zach didn’t want to completely cut off their connection with fans. To continue sharing their lives, they launched their own podcast called Raising Heights. Through this platform, they have been able to provide details about themselves on their own terms. In a recent episode, the couple discussed the topic of homeschooling versus public schools and its suitability for their children.

With their departure from LPBW, Tori and Zach have shifted their focus to their podcast, Raising Heights, where they delve into various aspects of their lives. In the latest episode, they engaged in a debate about whether they should homeschool their children or enroll them in public schools. Tori expressed her belief that they should take each year as it comes, recognizing that each year brings new experiences and considerations for their children.

Tori acknowledged the benefits that public schools offer, mentioning that she loves what they do for her kids. As a former kindergarten teacher, she gained insights into what she wants her children to gain from their educational experiences. However, Tori also shared her concern about the constant testing and academic pressure that comes with formal schooling, especially at a young age.

While Tori enjoyed being around children, she expressed sadness at the idea of subjecting her young ones to extensive testing. Her primary focus is on raising her children to be good individuals who can navigate social situations and show up for school. Based on their current perspective, the Roloff family is not considering homeschooling as an option for their children.

As Tori and Zach continue their journey outside of Little People Big World, their podcast allows them to share their thoughts, experiences, and decisions regarding their children’s education and other aspects of their lives. It remains to be seen how their parenting choices evolve over time and how they continue to engage with their fans through their podcast.

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