Fans of TLC’s Seeking Sister Wife have developed theories about Dannielle Merrifield, considering her the most cunning cast member and suspecting that she intentionally became pregnant to sabotage Garrick Merrifield’s plans with Nathalia Lima. Let’s delve into why these fans believe it was more than just a coincidence.

Many TLC fans find it perplexing that Dannielle Merrifield stays with Garrick despite his constant pursuit of other women. Some theorists speculate that she goes along with it because Garrick doesn’t genuinely want another wife. Ending the relationship satisfies his desires without the commitment of marriage.

Certain Seeking Sister Wife fans believe that Garrick groomed Dannielle from an early age to comply with his desires. However, when she announced her pregnancy, he appeared genuinely stunned. Nathalia was unhappy, and when Dannielle added Miriam, a Muslim woman, to the mix, it marked the end for Nathalia.

For many Seeking Sister Wife fans, the timing of Dannielle Merrifield’s pregnancy seems too convenient. This topic was discussed on Reddit, where one user shared a scene from a previous season that convinced them it was planned. In the scene, Dannielle and Garrick are in their new home, discussing the nursery. Dannielle mentions that it’s big enough for two babies, leaving Garrick visibly surprised and asking if they’re having twins. This scene, coupled with the fact that Dannielle gets pregnant in the following season, solidified the theory that she intentionally became pregnant.

During the Reddit discussion, fans speculated that Dannielle Merrifield purposely derailed Garrick and Nathalia’s plans. Some fans described her as diabolical and highlighted her plotting throughout the season. They also suggested that Dannielle may have been involved in the anonymous tip that exposed their polygamist lifestyle to the judge in Brazil. Fans questioned why Dannielle couldn’t be honest about her intentions and speculated about her intelligence and conniving nature based on her smirks.

In conclusion, fans of Seeking Sister Wife have developed theories about Dannielle Merrifield’s motives and actions, suspecting that her pregnancy was a calculated move to disrupt Garrick and Nathalia’s plans. These theories highlight her cunning and manipulative behavior throughout the season.

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