Tammy Slaton, known for her appearance on the 1000 Lb Sisters series alongside her sister Amy Slaton, has made significant progress in her weight loss journey. Since undergoing bariatric surgery, she has lost a staggering 440 pounds. While Amy has experienced a remarkable transformation, Tammy struggled to control her weight gain during the first three seasons of the show, leading to concerns about her health.
However, Tammy’s wake-up call came after she spent a week in a medically induced coma, prompting her to seek help for her food addiction before undergoing the bariatric surgery in July 2022. Since then, she has displayed tremendous progress in her weight loss journey, leaving viewers eager to witness her next step: skin removal surgery.
Despite her remarkable weight loss, Tammy has faced criticism and questions from fans about why she hasn’t pursued skin removal surgery to address her excess skin. In response, dietitian Kate Hilton shed light on the reasons behind the delay in Tammy’s surgery. She explained that significant weight loss often results in loose and sagging skin, which is a common occurrence. The more weight an individual loses, the more noticeable the excess skin becomes.
Moreover, skin removal surgery carries potential side effects such as bleeding, blood clots, loss of skin sensation, bruising, and scarring. These factors, combined with the expensive cost of the procedure, contribute to the delay. Tammy would require multiple surgeries, including a leg lift, neck lift, abdominoplasty, and brachioplasty, which would amount to a total cost of $85,000. Unfortunately, Tammy does not have the financial means to afford such an expense.
In summary, Tammy Slaton from 1000 Lb Sisters has made remarkable progress in her weight loss journey but faces challenges in addressing her excess skin. The delay in her skin removal surgery is primarily due to the potential side effects and the high cost of the procedure. Despite facing criticism, Tammy continues to work towards her goals while managing the limitations posed by her current circumstances.