Audrey Roloff, a former cast member of Little People, Big World, often faces allegations from fans that she puts her children in dangerous situations. Recently, she received criticism for allegedly placing her newborn baby, Mirabella, in a precarious position. However, fans had differing opinions on the matter.

Audrey Roloff has occasionally alarmed fans of Little People, Big World, especially when it comes to situations like young children holding sparklers, as was seen with little Radley last year. Sometimes, these concerns are valid, but other times, fans actually defend Audrey’s actions.

Audrey Roloff has given fans reasons to worry on multiple occasions. It’s worth noting that these concerns don’t always revolve around her children. For instance, earlier this year, fans were upset when Audrey and her husband transported their cats in a car without securing them in cages, resulting in one of the cats escaping at a grocery store. Now, with the arrival of Mirabella, there’s yet another child for fans to be concerned about.

This weekend, a fan of Audrey Roloff who follows her on Instagram shared a screenshot of baby Mirabella sleeping in a lounger on the deck. The area appeared pleasant, with Ember’s toy ride-on pony, shade, and a view of the mountains. The baby was peacefully asleep in the shade. Audrey had captioned the photo with the words, “This girl loves living outside.”

Expressing irritation with Audrey Roloff, the fan stated on Reddit:

“She’s not even 2 weeks old. How do you know SHE loves being outside?”

Some fans argued that babies often seem happier when they are outside, while others discussed the potential dangers of certain sleeping positions and bassinets with pillows surrounding the baby. Here are a few opinions shared:

  • “My baby automatically stopped crying anytime I brought him outside, and he loved outdoor naps. I knew this by 2 weeks as well.”
  • “I think it’s a baby technique. My nephew always used to calm down outside. Babies love that stuff.”
  • “The best advice any new parents can receive is to take babies outside or put them in water when they’re fussy. Both are surefire ways to soothe a fussy baby or cranky kid.”
  • “That’s totally unsafe sleep, even if supervised. You can see the risk of asphyxiation. Why not let the baby lay flat?”
  • “That baby IS sleeping in a recalled product, I’m pretty sure, though.”
  • “Not recalled, but not intended for sleep.”

Fans of Little People, Big World continue to have differing views on Audrey Roloff’s parenting choices, and the discussion surrounding the safety and well-being of her children remains ongoing.

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