Angela Deem, known for her appearances on 90 Day Fiancé, has been at the center of controversy in recent months. The 58-year-old reality star made headlines when her husband allegedly ran away from her after she reportedly tased him in the face. There were speculations that TLC initially dropped the couple from the show due to their issues, which involved authorities. However, the network later decided to bring them back for the rest of the season on Happily Ever After? Angela has also assured her followers that she will not be disappearing anytime soon. Let’s delve into her shocking statements.
The relationship between Angela and Michael has been complicated off-camera. The Georgia native often accuses her husband of scamming her and is upset about his seemingly carefree lifestyle in Indiana, where he parties with different people. Angela believes that Michael committed marriage fraud by leaving his sponsored family in the U.S. However, it has been discovered that he already has IR1 visa status, granting him permanent residency in the country. Many fans feel that Angela’s alleged abusive behavior is worse than what Michael has done.
Speculations have surfaced that the eighth season of Happily Ever After? might be Angela Deem’s last appearance on the show. Some believe that TLC may sever ties with the 90 Day Fiancé star due to her controversial behavior. However, Angela recently interacted with her followers in the comments section of her Instagram post, hinting that she isn’t finished. When asked if she’s done, Angela simply replied with “bet” and laughing emojis, indicating her confidence in staying in the franchise for years to come. She has also been clapping back at internet trolls, refuting allegations of being an abusive partner.
During one of her livestreams following her separation from Michael, Angela expressed her intent to make her husband’s life miserable in the U.S. She even warned TLC to stop giving Michael solo projects and stated that she wouldn’t allow him to participate in the spinoff show, The Single Life, as they are still legally married. Michael Ilesanmi has yet to comment on Angela’s claims, but it appears he is moving on, which further upsets his wife.
The tumultuous relationship between Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi continues to captivate fans and raise questions about their future on 90 Day Fiancé.