Amy Slaton, known for her appearance on the reality show 1000-Lb Sisters, has welcomed a new addition to her household, and she couldn’t be more thrilled. In a recent TikTok video, Amy introduced her fans to the new family member. However, while Amy’s affection for the newcomer was evident, some viewers found him rather unsettling.

Although it’s unclear whether the new addition will make an appearance on upcoming seasons of 1000-Lb Sisters, Amy is clearly smitten and eager to share him with the world. Read on to discover more about this new family member and find out what fans had to say.

Amy Slaton Embraces a New Family Member

Fans of 1000-Lb Sisters are well aware of Amy Slaton’s love for animals. Her cherished chihuahua, Little Bit, was a prominent presence on the show until he sadly passed away due to old age.

While Little Bit can never be replaced, Amy has decided to open her home to a new pet. She has developed an immense fondness for this creature, although her fans aren’t entirely convinced.

The newest member of Amy’s family is a pet tarantula, affectionately named “Fang.” Amy introduced her TikTok followers to the spider, sharing videos and photos of her new eight-legged companion.

Amy captioned her TikTok post with “Fang, my strip knee tarantula.” However, while Amy’s fans enjoy seeing her happy, many TikTokers found Fang more creepy than cute. Some comments from fans included:


Fang my strip knee tarantula

♬ Spider-man – Deep Music

“Love the spider from afar 😂”
“Omg what!!!! 🤣🤣 how do you not SCREAM I totally would. But out of fear. Spiders scare me lol”
“Girl, you already know how I feel about the hairy guy lol 😂 I’ll just look at him! I could never touch him lol”
“😳😳 it’s a nope for me 😳😳”

The 1000-Lb Sisters Cast’s Fascination with Horror

Although Fang might not have won over Amy’s fans, he is a perfect pet for the TLC star. As shown on the show, Amy Slaton and her family members have an affinity for all things spooky. Halloween is their favorite holiday, and Amy even named her older son Gage after a character from Pet Sematary and her younger son Glenn after a character from The Walking Dead.

It seems Fang will fit right in with the rest of the household. However, Amy’s brother Chris and sisters Misty, Amanda, and Tammy have yet to express their opinions. Only time will tell if the other siblings accept Fang as part of the family.

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