Anna Johnston, star of TLC’s “7 Little Johnstons,” recently went live on social media, but the video has been taken down. However, fans who watched it heard some concerning information: Anna was apparently left out of the family vacation to Puerto Rico. As rumors of estrangement circulate, many hope that it’s just a fabricated drama created by the network for new content in Season 15.
Hints of a rift between Anna and the rest of the Johnston family have been growing more apparent. Some viewers speculate that it may be related to Anna possibly dating someone named Darius Anderson, and her family’s disapproval of her new boyfriend. Moreover, it has been widely acknowledged that Anna, the adopted daughter from Russia, has seemingly been her mother Amber’s least favorite child.
Fans of “7 Little Johnstons” noticed that Anna Johnston was noticeably absent from the photos of the Puerto Rico vacation shared by other family members, such as Brice Bolden, Elizabeth “Liz” Johnson, and Leighton Drew. Brice even posted about his fishing experience during the trip. However, the lack of mention or presence of Anna has sparked concern among her supporters.
During her live video, Anna seemingly confirmed that she was not invited on the family vacation. A fan who watched the live stream shared on Reddit, stating that when someone asked Anna why she didn’t go to Puerto Rico, she responded with a shrug and said she wasn’t invited. This revelation has elicited sympathy for Anna, and fans hope that whatever is happening, she is okay.
Despite any disagreements she may have with her family, Anna remains a favorite among TLC viewers. The discussion on Reddit garnered numerous comments expressing empathy towards Anna. Many criticized her mother, Amber, and sister, Liz, for their treatment of her. Some fans even compared Amber’s behavior to that of infamous mother Kate Gosselin and expressed a desire for Amber’s alleged mistreatment to receive more attention.
In the midst of these rumors, some fans speculate that the entire situation could be a publicity stunt orchestrated by TLC. As the latest season of the show seems to lack compelling storylines, with the exception of Liz’s pregnancy, viewers suggest that TLC may be resorting to manufactured drama to maintain audience interest.