In the first season of Doubling Down With the Derricos, Deon Derrico and Karen introduced their 11 children, with the acknowledgment that they would have had 12, but one of the quintuplets had passed away. During that time, they were also expecting triplets named Dawsyn, De’Aren, and Dyver. However, fans of the show later discovered that there is another son named Derron Derrico who does not appear on the show. Now, there is speculation about the existence of a son named Juan.
Derron Derrico, who was adopted by Deon when he worked as a bus driver, came to light as fans learned about his story. Originally named Jasper, he took the name Derron after the adoption, but he has remained estranged from Deon for several years. Derron accused Deon of using his credit card, which led to their strained relationship. At 22 years old, Derron was working as a security guard and living his own life, disconnected from the show and the family’s storyline. Despite this revelation, fans of the show moved on from the Derron situation and continued to focus on Karen and the children she homeschools.
Another intriguing mention came in a post by Deon on Instagram on December 27, 2016. Before TLC fans had even heard of Karen and Deon Derrico, he shared a photo of an ultrasound scan and mentioned a son named Juan. However, Juan was never mentioned again, leaving fans curious about his identity. In the Instagram caption, Deon expressed his excitement about the pregnancy of triplets and mentioned that they now had a total of 12 children, including his oldest son, Juan. The mention of Juan raised questions among viewers, leading to a discussion on a Reddit forum.
The confusion surrounding Deon’s children prompted a Reddit user to seek clarification about Juan. They wondered who Juan was since Deon had adopted a teenager named Jasper and changed his name to Derron. It is unclear who Juan is, and the mention of him might have been a typo or a mistake. Some speculate that Juan could be another name for Jasper, but there is no definitive information available. This confusion mirrors the initial misunderstanding about Eric Jefferson, whom fans thought was a nephew but turned out to be a close family friend. Similarly, some viewers speculated that the friend who helped raise the children might have been mistaken for a son.
The Reddit thread discussed the lack of information about Juan, with one member sharing a quote from a fundamental site stating that Deon had mentioned an older son named Juan but no further details were available. The mystery surrounding Juan’s identity remains unsolved, leaving fans curious about this enigmatic figure in the Derrico family.