7 Little Johnstons fans were buzzing with excitement after Anna Johnston, a member of the TLC show’s family, hinted during a live session that they are currently filming for Season 15. This news has left viewers eagerly anticipating what the upcoming season has in store.

Anna Johnston, who was adopted by Trent and Amber Johnston, has been quite secretive about recent developments in her life. Fans are hoping that Season 15 will shed light on the rumored rift between Anna and the rest of the family. Earlier this year, Anna claimed she was not dating anyone, which surprised fans as there were whispers about a potential boyfriend. However, it seems that she is now dating a man named Darius Anderson. Interestingly, during her recent live session, she referred to him as a “fan,” leaving viewers curious about the true nature of their relationship.

The news of a new season sparked a discussion among TLC fans on Reddit. An original poster shared a screenshot of Anna and her “fan” going live, prompting fans to talk about Anna mentioning Season 15 filming. Naturally, speculation arose about what the upcoming season might cover. Here are some thoughts shared by participants in the discussion:

  • Some hope that this season will finally give Anna the opportunity to share her side of the story and find her voice.
  • Anna confirmed that the new season is currently being filmed.
  • Viewers expect the focus to be on Leighton, but they also hope to see Anna happy with her own place and life. Some fans expressed frustration with Trent and Amber for seemingly favoring their other children over Anna.
  • There is a possibility that the season will explore Anna’s relationship with her boyfriend and how it unfolds when he meets the family.

As fans eagerly await 7 Little Johnstons Season 15, they anticipate answers to their burning questions and are excited to see the new developments within the Johnston family.

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