Fans of Doubling Down With the Derricos were left in shock when news of Karen Derrico and Deon Derrico’s divorce surfaced. However, some viewers began questioning the reasons behind the split, finding aspects of it contrived and wondering if it was a setup by the TLC show. Interestingly, many people still believe that Karen and Deon have love for each other.

In a recent interaction on Instagram, Deon Derrico responded to a fan from South Africa who expressed hope that they were not divorced because of their love for the family. Deon’s answer was surprising as he stated, “Awwww thank you I’m still very much in love with her.” This response, along with Karen’s Father’s Day shout-out to Deon, where she praised him as the best father for their 14 children, suggests that their relationship remains amicable despite the separation. This led some TLC fans to speculate that the divorce was not due to a lack of love or infidelity.

The real reason behind the divorce of Doubling Down With the Derricos stars is still unclear. However, some fans have considered financial factors as a possible explanation. One Instagram follower suggested that the divorce might be a financial move to protect assets, alluding to hints of money issues in the past. On Reddit, other viewers also discussed the idea of financial reasons, speculating that it could be a publicity stunt or a way to manage their finances with regards to insurance and state aid for their large family.

While fans continue to speculate about the true motivations behind the divorce, it is evident that Karen and Deon Derrico still hold affection for each other. The circumstances surrounding their separation remain a topic of interest among Doubling Down With the Derricos viewers, who are eagerly awaiting further details and hoping for the best for the family.

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