Whitney Way Thore, known for her role in reality TV, has been a prominent figure in the industry for the past decade. Her journey to fame began with a viral video that propelled her to become a champion of Body Positivity. TLC recognized her influence and offered her a show in 2015, which launched her career. While being a reality TV star brought her immense fame and popularity, it also came with its share of drawbacks.

Throughout her rise to fame, Whitney has often faced backlash and criticism. In a recent interview, she opened up about the toll it has taken on her mental health, including a particularly dark period where she contemplated suicide. The hate intensified after the passing of her mother, exacerbating her emotional struggles.

As Whitney prepares for the upcoming season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, marking her ten-year anniversary in the industry, she sat down for an interview with ET. Known for her joyful and lively personality, the conversation took a somber turn as she candidly shared her experiences.

Whitney disclosed that she had never encountered the level of hatred she experienced following her mother’s death. Hurtful messages insinuating that her mother would be “rolling over in her grave” or expressing disappointment in her flooded her inbox. These comments took a severe toll on her mental well-being, pushing her to contemplate suicide. The loss of her mother, Babs Thore, in December 2022 further compounded her struggle.

Additionally, Whitney and her family faced significant backlash for broadcasting Babs’ funeral on television. Critics accused them of exploiting a deceased loved one for financial gain and high ratings. At the time, Whitney did not respond much to the criticism, but her recent revelations shed light on the deep emotional turmoil she experienced during that period.

As fans eagerly anticipate the new season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, they now have a better understanding of the challenges Whitney has faced behind the scenes. Her openness about her mental health struggles serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and support, even in the world of reality television.

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