Five years after Whitney Way Thore reported vandalism on her RV, a recent incident involving alleged vandalism at the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star’s house has sparked controversy. A frustrated TLC fan criticized Thore, calling her an embarrassment to Greensboro. Let’s delve into the details.

In an interview with ET before Season 12, Thore revealed that she had faced intense trolling and hateful comments, which had nearly driven her to contemplate suicide. The recent incident of her house being pelted with eggs did not come as a surprise to her, as she claimed such occurrences happened “all the time.” Several years ago, she discovered her RV defaced with the words “FAT B–CH,” an act that left her feeling violated in her supposed “safe place.”

On YouTube, many viewers speculated that the vandalism was staged for the show. Unfortunately, Thore often faces trolling from TLC viewers, although it is typically not related to her weight. More frequently, criticism revolves around dramatic scenes portrayed on the reality TV series. However, this time, a resident from Greensboro voiced their anger.

A Greensboro resident expressed their fury towards TLC on Reddit, claiming that the show wasted police resources. The critic went on a lengthy rant, mentioning that the police rarely respond to vandalism calls. They suggested that if the police did intervene, it could indicate some form of payment. However, other TLC fans disputed this claim, stating that they never witnessed any involvement of the police, only the show’s producers.

The critic’s statement included the following excerpts:

“The Lies Have Taken Over… I am a resident of Greensboro, and I am livid! We have watched for years as this woman has lied, parked in handicap/fire lane spots, been abusive to everyone she knows, and generally embarrassed our community. I’m responding now because the most recent lie is egregious and a scourge on our community… and potentially illegal use of resources… We have a deficit in our law enforcement department and a high crime rate. Police no longer respond to ‘most’ non-violent calls… and would most certainly not respond to a call about minor vandalism.”

The critic called for an investigation into the alleged involvement of the police. However, it remains unclear if the fan’s assumptions are warranted. Here are some comments from other viewers:

“Did cops show up? I don’t remember that.”
“They must be mistaking producers for police somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️”
“I’m confused… I don’t remember cops coming or being called??”
“The storylines are out of control. I don’t understand why TLC thinks we are so stupid. Jasmine and that beauty pageant? Fake. Eggs at nitwit’s house? Fake. The crew just ‘happened’ to be there? Please.”
“I didn’t see any police in this episode either… only crew running around. OP, please verify where in the episode you saw police.”

The controversy surrounding Whitney Way Thore’s alleged vandalism incident continues to divide opinions among My Big Fat Fabulous Life viewers.

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