Whitney Thore, star of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, recently shared some startling photos on Instagram to promote the new season of her show, triggering a strong reaction from her animal-loving followers. Here’s a closer look at the situation and the mixed responses from fans.

The Controversial Photos

On Tuesday, Whitney posted a video compilation of photos and clips on Instagram. Among the photos were images of Whitney in camouflage, posing with her family, including her father, Glenn Thore. However, it wasn’t the family scenes or her outfit that caught fans’ attention:

  • Dead Deer Photos: The photos included images of Whitney posing with her face up against a dead deer, and another where she pretended to make the dead deer kiss someone else.
  • Caption: Whitney captioned the post, “The moment vs. the photos. See y’all tonight at 9 for a new ep!”

Fan Reactions

The reactions from her followers were swift and passionate, with many expressing their shock and disapproval:

  • Animal Lovers Upset: One follower commented, “Watched you from the beginning and this is the first time anything of yours has upset me – those poor beautiful creatures – I thought you were an animal lover. Abhor hunting and yes I’m vegetarian before you ask.”
  • Whitney’s Response: Whitney replied, acknowledging that while she didn’t kill the animals, she has been eating meat for 40 years. She wrote, “I didn’t kill these animals but I regret to inform you that I’ve been eating meat for 40 years that someone else killed, so by that logic you should have always been upset with me. I hope you are able to move past this and find peace!”

Another follower expressed that they couldn’t imagine putting a dead animal that close to their face and would probably have cried:

  • Whitney’s Reflection: Whitney responded, “Yeah, I get what you mean, but then I remember that I eat animals that are killed in abhorrent conditions unlike my nephew who killed this deer and then I call myself a hypocrite and move on.”

Mixed Responses

While many comments were negative, there were also some positive reactions:

  • Criticism: Several followers suggested that posing with a dead animal was in poor taste, and some fans felt betrayed, especially since Whitney has always claimed to be an animal lover. One user even wrote, “Just lost a longtime fan.”
  • Support: On the other hand, some fans appreciated the family photoshoot and commented on Whitney’s appearance, saying she looked beautiful. Others were more understanding of her perspective.


Whitney Thore’s Instagram post featuring photos with a dead deer sparked a significant backlash from her followers, particularly those who are animal lovers. While she received criticism for the perceived insensitivity of the photos, Whitney responded by reflecting on her own consumption of meat and the conditions under which animals are killed. Despite the controversy, there were fans who supported her and saw the positive side of the family gathering. As the new season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life unfolds, viewers will likely see more context behind the photos and the family dynamics at play.

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