Chantel Everett, star of 90 Day Fiancé, faced a tumultuous and heartbreaking divorce from Pedro Jimeno. The end of their relationship left her devastated, but she eventually found the strength to re-enter the dating scene. Despite her initial enthusiasm and hope, it seems Chantel’s romantic journey with Giannis Varouxakis has come to an end.

Chantel’s New Beginning on The Single Life

After her split from Pedro, Chantel appeared on 90 Day Fiancé: The Single Life to take a step towards healing. During the show, she met Giannis Varouxakis, a soccer player, and the two seemed to hit it off. Chantel believed she had found her soulmate and even envisioned a future with him.

However, post-show, Chantel remained tight-lipped about her relationship status with Giannis. There were no public signs of their continued relationship, and she acted as though her time in Greece and her romance with Giannis never happened.

The Truth Revealed

The silence around Chantel and Giannis’s relationship status was finally broken by some keen-eyed Redditors who uncovered the truth through Giannis’s social media. A Reddit thread revealed that Giannis has moved on and is now in a relationship with a new woman, who appears to be a resident of Greece. Giannis shared pictures with his new partner, indicating that his relationship with Chantel is indeed over.

Fans’ Reactions and Speculations

Fans had mixed reactions to this revelation. Some believed that Chantel and Giannis’s relationship was never genuine and was possibly fabricated for the show. The fact that Chantel didn’t return to Greece and Giannis made no effort to come to America further fueled these speculations. Some even went as far as to call Giannis a “paid actor,” suggesting that he might have used the relationship for clout and then moved on.

Others felt that Giannis might have simply moved on with his life after realizing that a long-distance relationship was not feasible. Regardless of the reasons, it’s clear that Chantel and Giannis are no longer together.


Chantel Everett’s journey on 90 Day Fiancé: The Single Life was marked by hope and new beginnings, but it seems her relationship with Giannis Varouxakis did not stand the test of time. As Giannis moves forward with a new partner, Chantel remains focused on her own life and future. Fans continue to speculate and discuss the authenticity of their storyline, but for now, Chantel’s chapter with Giannis has closed.

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