Polygamous marriages are not recognized as legal in the United States, yet Kody Brown of Sister Wives fame maintained a family structure with four wives for an extended period.

The intricacies of such a setup raise numerous questions, particularly regarding how the Brown family navigated official government documentation. One common query revolves around the legal address Kody specified.

Throughout his polygamous relationships, Kody Brown always maintained one wife’s legal status. For many years, Meri Brown held this position. However, he legally divorced her to wed Robyn and formally adopt her three children from a previous marriage.

The pressing question emerged regarding which wife’s residence Kody designated as his primary address for official paperwork.

“Whose residence did Kody cite as his ‘main residence’ in government documents, such as driver’s licenses and car registrations?” pondered a Redditor online recently. “Did Kody likely use the address of the wife to whom he was legally married at the time? And what about matters like medical appointments and bills? Could he have utilized different wives’ addresses for these affairs to maintain a sense of equality among them?”

While opinions among Sister Wives enthusiasts typically diverge on various topics concerning the Brown family, this particular query seemingly has a straightforward answer.

“Most likely Meri’s, as they were legally married initially, then Robyn’s following their legal union,” another Redditor highlighted.

Additional commentators echoed this sentiment. It appears plausible that Meri’s address was employed for official documentation until their official divorce. Subsequently, Robyn’s address likely took precedence.

Given the current romantic involvement solely between Kody and Robyn, this arrangement appears to work in their favor. The scenario would undoubtedly be more intricate if Meri were to depart the family while still legally tied to Kody.

In the latest trailer for Sister Wives, Robyn Brown expresses feelings of foolishness for being left behind by the other wives, a sentiment that unfolds on screen this season. Despite the emotional turmoil she may have caused the other wives, many Sister Wives followers find it challenging to sympathize with her, given her current position as Kody’s legal spouse.

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