The highly anticipated premiere of Mama June: Family Crisis on WeTV took place last Friday, featuring the late Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell, who passed away in December. For her husband, Eldridge Toney, watching his wife alone on the show is an emotionally challenging experience. Happy and sad memories are bound to evoke strong emotions within him.

Anna and Eldridge tied the knot in March of the previous year after living together for a significant period. Eldridge stood by her side as she battled the cancer that eventually took her life. Although they didn’t have any biological children together, Eldridge embraced the role of a father figure to Anna’s two children, Kaitlyn and Kylee. Viewers of WEtv will learn more about their journey in the new season of the show.

A teaser for Mama June unveiled footage from Anna’s wedding. The couple danced together in the garden, with June Shannon observing the tender moment. Later, Kaitlyn and Kylee joined in for a family group hug, and Anna informed them that Eldridge would be their stepfather. Although things didn’t turn out as planned, he continues to maintain a relationship with the children.

Eldridge will encounter both joyful and sorrowful moments throughout the season. The crew filmed until shortly before Anna Cardwell’s passing. Speaking to People magazine, he expressed his apprehension about watching his late wife on the show. While WeTV fans watch for entertainment, for Eldridge, it is a journey down an emotional memory lane.

Before the premiere of Mama June, Eldridge shared his fear of watching his wife’s story alone. He expressed a mix of emotions, finding joy in reliving their special moments together, yet also heartbreak in witnessing the stark contrast between her happiness and health during those moments and her final days. Hearing her voice again and seeing her expressions on screen hold significant weight for him. Although he has seen pictures from their wedding, witnessing those moments unfold in real-time is an entirely different experience.

Instead of watching Mama June: Family Crisis alone, Eldridge plans to watch it alongside June Shannon and Justin Stroud, as they were all close to Anna. He believes that watching it with others who loved her might provide some comfort and support during this difficult time.

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