My Big Fat Fabulous Life (MBFFL) has been making headlines, but not for the reasons the producers might hope. As Season 12 airs, fans are increasingly skeptical about the authenticity of the show’s storylines. The previous season ended with a cliffhanger involving Glenn’s revelation about his daughter Angie’s long-lost son. However, inconsistencies in the new season have led viewers to doubt the truthfulness of these narratives.

The Controversial Storyline of Angie’s Long-Lost Son

  • Season 11 Cliffhanger:
    The eleventh season concluded dramatically with Glenn revealing his plan to move to Alabama and reconnect Angie with her son, whom she gave up for adoption. This revelation shocked fans and set the stage for high expectations in Season 12.
  • Season 12 Doubts:
    However, fans were surprised when Glenn did not move to Alabama in the new season. This inconsistency has fueled suspicions that the storyline about Angie’s adopted son might be fabricated.

Fan Reactions and Theories

  • Reddit Discussions:
    A Reddit thread has become a hub for fans to voice their doubts. One user questioned the entire adoption story, suspecting it might be a ploy by producers to keep the show interesting.“Did Angie actually give up a baby for adoption? The timing is strange and it feels like another scripted part for attention, just like the egging scene,” the original poster wrote.

  • General Skepticism:
    Many fans echoed similar sentiments, expressing general disbelief in the show’s authenticity. One fan stated, “I have a hard time believing anything on this show.” They suggested that the entire storyline could be manufactured to attract viewers.
  • Adoption Laws and DNA Testing:
    Another fan pointed out that Alabama is a closed adoption state, making it difficult for Angie to find her son without DNA testing. This led to further speculation about whether the storyline was entirely fake or just partially scripted for dramatic effect.“Alabama is a closed adoption state, so she would have no way of finding him unless through DNA.”
  • Mystery of the DNA Test:
    Some fans wondered if Angie had actually uploaded her DNA to a website, as the show suggested. The lack of progress in finding the adopted child has only deepened their doubts.

Whitney Way Thore’s Storylines Under Scrutiny

  • House Egging Incident:
    Whitney Way Thore, the show’s central figure, has also been under fire for other incidents this season. Fans are skeptical about the authenticity of an episode where her house was egged, accompanied by a threat letter. They suspect these events might be scripted to maintain viewer interest.


As My Big Fat Fabulous Life continues its twelfth season, fans remain critical of the show’s storylines. The unresolved plot about Angie’s long-lost son and other questionable incidents have led to widespread skepticism about the series’ authenticity. Whether these stories are fabricated or partially true, the controversy has certainly kept viewers talking. As the season progresses, it will be interesting to see if the show can regain the trust of its audience or if it will continue to face backlash for its alleged fake narratives.

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