This image released by Peter Ashdown shows a selfie of mommy blogger Heather Armstrong in Salt Lake City on April 1, 2023

Heather Armstrong, the pioneering mommy blogger who candidly shared her struggles with motherhood, depression, and alcoholism on her website and social media, has passed away at 47.

Heather Armstrong died by suicide, according to her boyfriend Pete Ashdown who discovered her at their Salt Lake City home on Tuesday evening, as reported by The Associated Press.

Pete Ashdown stated that Heather Armstrong had been sober for more than 18 months, but had experienced a relapse recently, although he did not offer any additional information.

Heather Armstrong, who co-parented two children with her former husband and business partner, Jon Armstrong, founded Dooce in 2001 and transformed it into a successful career, becoming one of the earliest and most renowned mommy bloggers, known for her candid discussions on her children, personal relationships, and other difficulties.

Heather Armstrong’s accomplishments with her blog and social media presence, including Instagram, led to book deals. In 2009, she published a memoir titled “It Sucked and then I Cried: How I Had a Baby, a Breakdown and a Much Needed Margarita,” which chronicled her experiences with motherhood, depression, and alcoholism.

Heather Armstrong’s success as a blogger and social media influencer led to several high-profile opportunities, such as an appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and being named on Forbes’ list of the most influential women in media. Her frank and humorous approach to discussing her personal life and struggles resonated with many readers and followers, making her a major figure in the blogging community.

Heather Armstrong and her former husband and business partner, Jon Armstrong, publicly announced their separation in 2012, and their divorce was finalized that same year. Heather Armstrong began a relationship with Pete Ashdown, a former U.S. Senate candidate, almost six years ago. They have been living together in a blended family that includes Armstrong’s two children, Leta (who is 19 years old) and Marlo (who is 13 years old), as well as Ashdown’s three children from a previous marriage, who have spent time in their home as well.

Armstrong didn’t hold back on Instagram and Dooce, the latter a name that arose from her inability to quickly spell “dude” during online chats. Her raw, unapologetic posts on everything from pregnancy and breastfeeding to homework and carpooling were often infused with curses. As her popularity grew, so too did the barbs of critics, who accused her of bad parenting and worse.

Heather Armstrong’s memoir, “It Sucked and then I Cried: How I Had a Baby, a Breakdown and a Much Needed Margarita,” details the origins of her blog, which she started as a way to share her musings on pop culture with friends who lived far away. Within a year, her audience had grown from a small group of friends to thousands of strangers around the world who were drawn to her witty and relatable writing style. The blog became a platform for her to share her personal experiences and struggles, and it quickly became a source of inspiration and comfort for many readers who found solace in her candid and humorous approach to life’s challenges.

She took the blog down, but later resumed writing about her experiences, including her marriage to Jon Armstrong and the challenges they faced after he was laid off from his job. The couple was forced to leave Los Angeles and move to Utah, where they lived in Heather’s mother’s basement while they tried to get back on their feet. Despite the setbacks, Heather continued to write about her life and experiences, and her blog quickly regained its popularity and became a source of income for her family.

Heather Armstrong was raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but left the religion years ago. Her struggles with chronic depression have been well-documented in her writing, including her memoir “It Sucked and Then I Cried.” In 2017, following the unraveling of her marriage to Jon Armstrong, Heather experienced a decline in popularity as a blogger and internet personality. Despite being dubbed “the queen of the mommy bloggers” by The New York Times Magazine, she faced criticism and backlash from some readers who found her writing to be self-absorbed and narcissistic. Nevertheless, she has continued to write and share her experiences with her audience, and her work has helped to inspire and support countless readers over the years.

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