Lilly Bennett, known for her appearance on the reality show Unexpected, recently celebrated a lavish wedding alongside her partner Lawrence Bishop. With Season 6 of the show on the horizon, fans eagerly awaited details about the couple’s nuptials. Let’s dive into what happened on their big day.
Lilly Bennett and Lawrence Bishop have been in a committed relationship for four years. After Lilly’s previous relationship, which resulted in her daughter’s birth, didn’t work out, she found hope and love with Lawrence. They welcomed their son, LJ, and got engaged, taking significant steps in their relationship. Moving in together was a significant milestone for Lilly, who had always lived with her mother. Adjusting to living with a partner and managing household responsibilities was a new experience for her.
Towards the end of Season 5 of Unexpected, Lilly and Lawrence were exploring potential wedding venues they both loved. However, financial considerations led them to make a different decision. Ultimately, they decided to move into Lilly’s parents’ home, where they could have more space for their growing family. Lilly’s mother, Kim, and her partner, Glenn, also made a significant decision during this time by choosing to get married after being together for a long time.
Lilly Bennett took to Instagram to share photos of her mother Kim and Glenn’s lavish double wedding, which took place over the weekend. Lilly’s aunt and uncle also celebrated their wedding on the same day. The photos showcased Lilly in a stunning long, deep blue dress with a side slit, complemented by glittery short boots. Lawrence looked dashing in a matching suit. Lilly’s daughter wore a frilly white dress, and LJ sported a matching suit like his father. In her caption, Lilly congratulated her mother, aunt, and uncle, expressing her joy at the beautiful wedding.
From the photos shared on Instagram, it was evident that Lilly’s mother, Kim, was a beautiful bride. However, she wasn’t the only one celebrating a wedding. It has been confirmed that Lilly Bennett and Lawrence Bishop tied the knot earlier this year. Lilly is one of the returning cast members for Season 6 of Unexpected, along with Jenna Ronan. Filming for the season concluded with a significant event, and it seems that Lilly and Lawrence’s wedding will be a prominent part of the upcoming season.
Fans of Unexpected can look forward to witnessing the joyous celebration and the journey leading up to Lilly and Lawrence’s wedding when Season 6 premieres.