Fans of The Little Couple were taken aback this week when they received a significant update on Zoey Klein, leaving them in complete disbelief. Exciting developments are unfolding in the young girl’s life, and her mother, Jen Arnold, couldn’t be prouder. Here’s what’s happening with Zoey, and how fans reacted to the news.

Thanks to social media and TLC, fans have been able to follow the lives of the Arnold-Klein family for years, witnessing the addition of Will and Zoey to the family. In a recent post by Jen, fans were already amazed by how much Will Klein had grown. Now, it’s Zoey’s turn in the spotlight as she enters a new stage of her life.

Jen Arnold took to Instagram on Tuesday night to share a photo of Zoey sitting across from her at a restaurant. In the picture, Zoey is seen coloring while enjoying a drink and a plate of cornbread. She paused for a moment to smile for the camera. In her caption, Jen provided her followers with a special update, revealing that Zoey is going into 5th grade and mentioning the hashtag #middleschool. However, it’s unclear whether only Will is entering middle school or if both of the children are.

Jen also mentioned that Will is going into seventh grade, highlighting how quickly the Arnold-Klein kids are growing up.

Fans were left in a state of shock after seeing the photo and reading the update. It’s hard for them to believe that the same little girl they met on The Little Couple is now old enough to be entering fifth grade. Some fans expressed surprise that fifth grade is considered middle school.

One fan reminisced, saying, “Can not believe how fast these two have grown up. Still remember when you went to pick up these two. It has been fun watching your kids on all your adventures.”

Another astonished follower added, “How can they possibly be this old!! It goes by so fast!”

Fans are now eagerly awaiting updates from Jen throughout the school year to see how both Will and Zoey are doing. Perhaps she will share a heartwarming back-to-school update in the coming week.

So, if you find yourself in shock over Zoey Klein’s significant milestone, you’re not alone.

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