Fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life have expressed frustration with Whitney Way Thore’s treatment of her father, Glenn Thore, in Season 11 of the TLC show. They feel that she often belittles him and acts disrespectfully towards him, which has angered viewers.

Many TLC fans didn’t appreciate how Whitney seemingly pushed her father into the spotlight following the death of his wife, Babs. They felt that she hyped him up as the new “GT” (Glenn Thore) and used him for a new storyline, which didn’t sit well with them. Given that it hasn’t been long since his wife’s passing, some viewers believe it would be better to allow him some time to grieve. Instead, they feel that Whitney is enjoying belittling him.

Another aspect that has irked fans is the perception that Whitney now sees herself as a surrogate wife to her father. They believe she acts bossy and attempts to control him. For instance, during the Alabama trip, she questioned his choice of clothes and when he disagreed, she asked if he would “trust mom.” When he answered yes, she responded with “then you can trust me,” which completely undermined his sense of fashion.

Whitney’s belittling behavior has become intolerable for some fans on Reddit. One example mentioned is when she suggested her father do a photoshoot for Jessica, her No BS business partner. Even her father objected, but she took over as if he lacked the capability to make his own decisions. While he mentioned in his confessional that it was okay, fans strongly disagreed and felt that it was far from acceptable.

A Reddit user compiled a list of instances where Glenn Thore was belittled by Whitney in My Big Fat Fabulous Life:

  • The “family tree” chart, insinuating that Glenn is too stupid to remember the names of five people without her help.
  • Anytime he stumbles on a name, she jumps on it, displaying impatience and lack of understanding.
  • The dollhouse for Maddie, which Glenn worked on but was mocked by Whitney throughout the process.
  • The peculiar photo shoot activity where Glenn needed time to finish the dollhouse but was interrupted.

Viewers dislike the way Whitney puts her father down and feel that he deserves better treatment. They point out that Glenn has accomplished various things in his life, such as running a business, serving in the military, buying homes (possibly even funding the down payment on Whitney’s house), and being a good husband. They believe he is not elderly, decrepit, or confused, but rather sad and grieving, while dealing with what they perceive as narcissistic abuse on a daily basis.

Overall, fans are disappointed with Whitney’s treatment of her father and hope to see a more respectful dynamic between them in future episodes.

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