Dannielle Merrifield, known for her appearance on Seeking Sister Wife, may be the driving force behind her husband Garrick Merrifield’s inflated ego. As the couple embarks on their third season attempting to find a sister wife, viewers are growing increasingly frustrated with Garrick’s arrogance. However, some are starting to realize that it might be Dannielle who has inadvertently contributed to this behavior. Let’s dive into the details.

Garrick Merrifield’s sense of self-importance has reached new heights, leaving viewers bewildered as to why Dannielle continues to stay by his side. It’s worth noting that the couple is no longer legally married, having divorced so that Garrick could marry a potential sister wife from Brazil. Throughout this process, their marriage has faced significant challenges, with Garrick claiming that God called him to embrace polygamy, a concept Dannielle did not initially embrace. Despite her reservations, she set aside her fears, prayed, and followed her husband’s lead, as showcased on Seeking Sister Wife.

Fans have sympathized with Dannielle, questioning why she remains in such a toxic marriage. Upon further reflection, it has become apparent that Dannielle plays a key role in enabling Garrick’s behavior. She feeds his ego to the point where he genuinely believes he can attract these young, beautiful women. A recent Reddit thread highlighted this issue, with one user pointing out:

“Danielle is a big part why Ick delusionally thinks he’s a gift from the gods.”

The thread continued to assert that while Garrick is undoubtedly problematic, Dannielle is not far behind. It was suggested that she fuels his ego and perpetuates the belief that he can have any woman he desires, rather than attributing it to a higher power. Additionally, it was implied that Dannielle may have manipulated the situation by introducing Lea last season to make Roberta appear jealous.

In light of this perspective, Dannielle’s struggles with jealousy become more understandable and relatable. This season, it appears that she will leave Garrick but then discovers something shocking that leads her to return. Speculation suggests that she may be pregnant, which introduces a whole new set of complexities.

Is Dannielle Enabling Garrick?

Seeking Sister Wife followers have shared their thoughts on the theory that Dannielle Merrifield is enabling her husband’s behavior. Some agree with this analysis, believing that Dannielle is fully aware that their actions are not part of God’s plan but pretends otherwise to maintain her relationship with Garrick. Others question the selective nature of Garrick’s supposed divine calling, particularly regarding his preference for young, attractive women from Spanish-speaking countries.

Critics argue that Dannielle remains with Garrick because she believes his deceptive rhetoric. Furthermore, they express concern for the couple’s sons, who are exposed to Garrick’s negative influence. Hoping that the children do not emulate their father’s behavior, fans express their worry for their future.

The dynamics within this family are complex, extending beyond Dannielle’s enabling behavior and her unwavering support of Garrick. Only time will tell if the speculated pregnancy comes to fruition and how it will impact their search for a sister wife.

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