Fans of Seeking Sister Wife have reached their limit with Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield and are now demanding that the couple be removed from the show. The viewers’ dissatisfaction, particularly with Garrick, has been growing over time, and they believe it is time for both of them to exit the series. Read on for more details on why viewers feel this way.

Fans Call for Removal of Garrick & Dannielle Merrifield

Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield joined Seeking Sister Wife in Season 3 after Garrick claimed that God had instructed him to have more than one wife. He eventually convinced Dannielle, though she was initially reluctant. They found Roberta, a woman from Brazil, online and pursued a relationship with her. Roberta seemed like the perfect fit for the couple, but by the end of Season 4, she decided not to pursue anything further with them, which devastated Garrick and Dannielle. The couple had invested significant emotional and financial resources and had even built a lavish mansion in anticipation of Roberta’s arrival.

In Season 5, the Merrifields introduce Nathalia, another woman from Brazil, but Dannielle doesn’t seem to have a strong connection with her. The season will reach a point where Dannielle leaves Garrick for a month and returns with shocking news. Some viewers dislike the Merrifields because they believe the couple preys on young girls who don’t speak English for Garrick’s benefit. But what are the reasons behind the demands for their removal?

A Reddit thread was initiated to discuss this, with the original poster suggesting a petition to keep the Merrifields off the show:

“Can we start a petition to convince TLC not to feature the Merrifields on the show? Watching their sick dynamic makes me want to stop watching the show altogether. Especially now that they’re involving their kids.”

Did other viewers and fans of the show share this sentiment?

“TLC won’t give in to a petition because the Merrifields bring in ratings for the show.”

“No, we have to wait and see if Dannielle ever comes to her senses and leaves Garrick for good.”

“…It’s called Trash TV for a reason…”

A Simple Solution

It seems that many Redditors watch Seeking Sister Wife for the dramatic trainwreck that is Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield. However, those who dislike or have no interest in the couple have a simple solution—fast-forward through their scenes. Some viewers mentioned that they already do this if they don’t want to see Garrick’s segments. Others pointed out that past TLC petitions, such as one involving Angela Deem, did not yield any significant changes.

While fans express their desire for the Merrifields’ removal from the show, they also acknowledge that TLC is unlikely to act on such petitions, as the couple’s presence appears to generate high ratings.

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