Meri Brown, a star of the show Sister Wives, took a moment to celebrate her friend Jenn on her birthday, expressing her gratitude for their strong bond. Meri shared a series of photos along with a heartfelt message on social media.

In her post, Meri referred to Jenn as the “absolute best friend extraordinaire” and described her as an incredible, loving, and kind person with a touch of spice. Meri emphasized the importance of Jenn in her life, stating that she couldn’t imagine navigating life without her. She also highlighted Jenn’s expertise as the “Google Queen,” someone who diligently researches any topic Meri may have questions about. Meri humorously mentioned Jenn’s ability to gather information, joking that she would know everything about a person before even going on a first date.

Meri playfully added that Jenn would go to great lengths to support her, even defending her from tarantulas and bugs. But on a more serious note, Meri expressed that Jenn has her back like no one else ever has. She praised her friend for being real, fighting for her, and being there for her in both joyful and challenging moments. Meri emphasized how blessed one is to have someone like Jenn in their corner.

Concluding her post, Meri expressed her deep gratitude for Jenn and wished her a happy birthday once again. Jenn, touched by the message, commented on the post, expressing that it brought tears to her eyes.

In another post, Meri addressed the topic of the loss of Garrison Brown, her son. She and Jenn shared a video together, captioned “Fridays with Friends.” Meri talked about online comments blaming Kody Brown, her husband and Garrison’s father, for Garrison’s death. She clarified that no one should be held responsible for the tragic event. However, some fans disagreed with her perspective, expressing their belief that Kody had emotionally and mentally mistreated his children and their mothers, making him a subject of blame.

Overall, Meri’s celebration of her friendship with Jenn and her response to the discussions surrounding Garrison’s passing sparked various reactions among fans.

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