The portrayal of the Browns’ plural marriage on Sister Wives has shifted over time, with patriarch Kody Brown’s behavior drawing criticism from fans. While the initial concept of the show focused on the benefits of living in a plural family, Kody’s actions and attitude have caused his image to deteriorate. Fans have observed a shift in his mental state, as he has become increasingly cold and harsh towards his family members. In a significant scene, Kody himself admits that he is an “a-hole” and even vows to demonstrate it.

Initially, the Browns were depicted as a connected family, navigating the complexities of multiple family units. However, as the show progressed, Kody’s anger and rage became more apparent, ultimately taking a toll on his family. While he has attributed some of his actions to creating drama for the show, it is evident that his behavior has had a negative impact.

Fans on Reddit have pointed out a specific moment where Kody acknowledges his status as an “a-hole.” In a short video clip, he reacts spitefully, saying, “Oh, you think I’m an ahole? I’ll show you an ahole!” This statement not only confirms fans’ perceptions but also reveals his intention to embrace the role they have assigned to him. He even discusses embracing the “devil” he believes he has become.

Reddit users have chimed in on Kody’s admission, with some acknowledging his self-awareness and others expressing their consistent belief that he is indeed an “a**hole.” They highlight the persistent anger and rage he has displayed over the years. While Kody’s struggles and the pressures of maintaining a large family and living in plural marriage may have contributed to his behavior, fans note that any progress he may have made in terms of mental health was likely undone by the tragic loss of his son.

The scene and fans’ reactions demonstrate the evolving perception of Kody Brown as an individual and the impact his actions have had on his family and viewers of the show.

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