Deon Derrico, known for his appearance on “Doubling Down With The Derricos,” is currently facing numerous challenges. As he and Karen Derrico navigate the complexities of parenting their fourteen children amidst a divorce, Deon’s mother, Marian “GG” Derrico, is also battling lung cancer. This is undeniably a difficult period for the entire family, but GG recently provided an update on her health struggles.

GG has been fighting lung cancer for over ten years, alongside peripheral health issues related to a baseball-sized cancerous tumor. The initial diagnosis was given in 2014, and GG’s journey has been anything but easy. Despite the hardships, GG remains a strong woman who continues to persevere. However, she admits to feeling tired and shares a heartfelt update about her ongoing battle with cancer.

Throughout GG’s journey, Deon Derrico has been a pillar of support. He stood by his mother when she decided to discontinue chemotherapy treatments, relying on prayers to guide them through this challenging time. Deon acknowledges the difficulties of navigating through constant changes and expresses a longing for the day when he can relax without the constant weight of his mother’s illness on his shoulders. He remains grateful that GG is still alive but acknowledges the uncharted territory and uphill climb that lies ahead as GG explores a more holistic approach to her health.

After GG chose to stop chemotherapy, her doctors suggested radiation therapy. However, she expresses fear towards radiation and the uncertainty it brings. In an interview, she reveals her exhaustion, feeling as though she is constantly climbing an insurmountable mountain. The physical toll of her cancer battle became evident during her chemotherapy, with her body breaking down and her white blood cell counts reaching dangerously low levels. She emphasizes that the fight against cancer is not just physical but also mental and emotional, expressing her limitations in continuing the battle.

Deon Derrico provides an update on GG’s health, sharing that she is still dealing with the residual effects of chemotherapy. Some days are better than others, and the toll on both Deon and the entire family is evident. The fight against cancer is a day-to-day struggle, and Deon expresses gratitude for the time they have together while urging GG to take it easy.

Deon also takes to Instagram to update fans about recent emergency visits involving both himself and GG. While both are now okay, GG experienced low potassium levels and dehydration, requiring further observation in the hospital. Deon assures fans that they are doing okay for the time being.

In another update, Deon expresses his gratitude for the prayers and concerns from family and friends. He reports that GG is doing much better but will be kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Deon promises to keep fans updated through behind-the-scenes filming. Despite the challenging days, GG maintains her spirits and jokes with her fans, showcasing her resilience. The family continues to face difficult moments alongside the beautiful good days they are thankful to have.

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