Jasmine and Gino’s relationship was saved by one sentimental ring, while Amanda asked Razvan if she can expect some bling of her own before returning to America

Everyone’s 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days favorites (or least favorites) are starting to say their goodbyes as the Americans head home.

This season, relationships have flourished and crumbled under the pressure of long-distance love — and with that came surprises of each partner’s true characteristics once the virtual experience was exchanged for in-person interactions.

Some couples found their stride in physical relationship, while others started to question “red flags” spotted in each other’s behaviors.

Sunday night’s episode showed one fateful proposal, and another goodbye with an unspoken “I love you” — leaving questions about what happens when distance, yet again, runs the relationship. Here’s where the episode left each storyline.

Gino and Jasmine

Last week’s episode showed the “final” breakup between Jasmine and Gino, as they just couldn’t find the same page. To Jasmine, the most important thing was being a priority over Gino’s family — though he admitted she wasn’t. The emotional breakup came when the pair decided they couldn’t find a way through their different needs.

This week, though, Jasmine took matters into her own hands. She couldn’t lose Gino, so she proposed to her ex-fiancé with the same ring he once gave her (yes, the one she said she lost because she wanted a bigger one.)

“I’m gonna earn it,” she said of her status with Gino. “Because I want to be your wife.”

Gino was honored by the profession of love, and the inclusion of her original engagement ring. This was enough to send the couple back into a whirlwind of love, and declarations to be together forever.

“I’m sorry for being a bitch and wanted you to upgrade this ring,” Jasmine said. “But you know what? Like, in my eyes and for me, this ring is priceless and not even all the money in the world can buy it because this is from the love of my life.”

Gino still had to head back to America, as his visit to Panama had concluded. But he left with the promise to bring Jasmine — his fiancée — to America as soon as possible.

Amanda and Razvan 

After weeks of arguments, Amanda and Razvan seemed to find their footing again. The couple’s sex life was the best it’s ever been, as Razvan admitted it was a way they channeled their anger.

The couple spent their week in Croatia with Razvan’s family, who expressed concerns about Amanda’s readiness for love. Razvan’s mother told cameras she held a skeptical opinion as she was unsure how the grief Amanda feels for her late husband would impact her current love.

“This is not what I was hoping for, Razvan,” his mother said, translated to English. “I didn’t know she was this kind of changing woman. She’s sad, upset, because of the loss. That’s normal. But she can try and think of him, too. I’m not sure that the cause of Amanda’s behavior is the death of her husband, or she is just a fickle person.”

Later in the episode, Amanda started thinking about returning home. She didn’t want to go without commitment, though, and asked Razvan if an engagement was in their future. This shocked him since they’ve spent the last few weeks in brutal arguments (one so bad, it nearly caused a breakup.)

“I would feel better about our relationship and like, more secure if I knew you were willing to commit more,” she said.

But Razvan still couldn’t get over the hurdles. “After so many things, you think I just need to forget everything?” he asked. “They’re still here in my soul and in my mind.”

To cameras, he added, “I’m shocked that Amanda is talking about being engaged. How can you want to be engaged with someone when we only have fights?”

David and Sheila

After a loving proposal, and enthusiastic “yes” from Sheila, David returned home. Through sobs at the airport, he held his fiancée — unsure when he’d be able to see her again.

The plan is for Sheila and her son to move to America. But viewers know how it goes: the K-1 visa isn’t the easiest to get, and their time apart may be more than they bargained for.

“I’m worried about our future because I don’t know when I will see him again,” Shelia told cameras.

Riley and Violet

Violet was unsure about a serious relationship with Riley throughout their time together. Things didn’t change as they had their last date, and she was hesitant to hug or kiss him. Riley explained the encounter as Violet having “walls up,” but he didn’t want to leave Vietnam without saying (or…not saying) what was on his mind.

Remember, Riley won’t say the words “I love you” because every time he does, he gets his heart broken. So, instead of saying it, he heavily alluded to the deep emotions. Even that, though, was too much for Violet.

“I really, really, really care about you a lot, and I hope that you can see that it may be deeper than caring,” he said. “Are you listening to what I’m saying to you? What am I saying to you?”

He didn’t say it, but Violet still stopped him. “I just said to you without saying it, that I—” Riley was stopped. “No, don’t tell,” Violet said.

She left saying they should “keep in touch,” though Riley left more confused than ever about where his relationship with Violet stands.

Statler and Dempsey

Dempsey’s birthday came and went with sex in a castle, exploration of Scotland, and lots of questions about her future. Whether it was Dempsey turning a year older, or Statler flippantly mentioning parenthood, things spiraled pretty quickly.

Dempsey has always been honest about wanting children, and it’s important her partner is open to the idea. Until now, she believed Statler was ready to discuss kids, even if she wasn’t certain that parenthood was for her. But a conversation turned sour when Statler declared she doesn’t want kids — and that’s a dealbreaker.

“I just don’t feel like I have that maternal bone inside me,” Statler said. Later, she added, “If you wanted kids badly and that was like, you had to have kids, then I don’t think it would work between us.”

After the conversation, Dempsey started packing her things. Production asked her if that was enough of a dealbreaker for her, too. “Yeah. It’s make or break for her, isn’t it?” she said.

To cameras, Statler added, “I was really hoping I’d be enough for her, but now I’m terrified that I’m not.”

Christian and Cleo

Cleo and Christian’s relationship remain where it always has — a little bit unstable and unpredictable. The personality types clashed again when Cleo asked about their exclusivity status. Christian seemed shocked Cleo would think he’s seeing anyone else, but she referenced, again, his bar conversations.

Cleo put her foot down, and said she’s uncomfortable with Christian talking to solo women at bars. For him, though, it’s a major personality trait.

“There’s nothing in the way that I approach women at a bar that would lead them to think that I’m hitting on them,” Christian said. “So I feel like I have nothing to [feel] guilty about.”

To cameras, he added, “I knew that Cleo doesn’t want me approaching women at bars, but hearing her say that it worries her if I’m going to be faithful or not, that’s really unsettling to me. I don’t like feeling held down.”

It’s still a red flag for Cleo. “I feel that it should come natural to him to understand that when you’re in a relationship, that’s not really how you behave,” she told cameras.

By Mo Mo

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