The decision by Whitney Way Thore, star of “My Big Fat Fabulous Life,” to charge followers for exclusive content has sparked discussion and speculation among fans. Some people on social media have criticized Thore for various reasons, including allegations of exploiting her mother, Babs, and doubts about the authenticity of certain aspects of the show.

Thore’s recent move to monetize her account for exclusive content has led to speculation about her motivations. While some fans believe it may be a way for Thore to make money, others think that the number of subscribers she will attract might not be substantial unless she has a large following. Some fans have expressed reluctance to pay for additional content, questioning the value of the subscription.

One suggestion put forth by fans is that by going behind a paywall, Thore can have more control over who follows her and what they say. This theory suggests that she could block or ignore certain questions or comments that she doesn’t want to address. By limiting access to exclusive subscribers, she may be able to create a more curated and controlled environment.

Another perspective is that Thore may be attempting to earn some additional income by offering exclusive content. However, the discussion on Reddit indicated a belief that the venture might not be very successful, with only a small number of subscribers signing up initially.

Ultimately, the exact reasons behind Thore’s decision to monetize her account for exclusive content can only be speculated upon. It could be a combination of factors, including control over her audience and attempting to generate additional income.

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