It appears that Janelle Brown, one of the stars of “Sister Wives,” is facing criticism from fans for being reluctant to pursue a divorce from Kody Brown in Season 18 of the show. Viewers have noticed creative editing in the series, leading to speculation about potential reconciliations between Kody and either Meri or Janelle. Fans initially thought that Janelle might return to the relationship, especially considering her love for Flagstaff and her reluctance to relocate to Utah.

While fans initially cheered for Janelle in the current season, some uneasiness arose when she expressed her hesitation towards divorce. She seemed surprised when her friend Christine Brown left the relationship and questioned why Janelle was reluctant to date again. Janelle has been indecisive about divorce, giving various excuses, including her faith. This has led skeptics to compare her to Meri, who spent years explaining why she stayed in a seemingly one-sided relationship.

As the storyline unfolds, some Facebook fans believe that the dramatic fight between Janelle and Kody could be somewhat scripted to generate discussion and attract new viewers to TLC. It’s worth noting that Janelle was previously married to Meri’s brother, Adam Barber, before marrying Kody in 1993. There are questions about how well Janelle knew Kody before marrying him, considering her step-sibling relationship with him through their parents’ marriage.

Fans have accused Kody, Janelle, Meri, and even Christine of play-acting drama in the past, leading to skepticism about the authenticity and permanency of Janelle’s separation from Kody. However, it’s important to keep in mind that reality TV shows often involve editing and storytelling techniques to create compelling narratives for entertainment purposes.

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