Sumit Singh and Jenny Slatten, stars of 90 Day Fiancé, continue to live happily in India despite facing criticism, particularly regarding their significant age gap. However, Sumit remains steadfast in his positivity and recently shared how he deals with such comments.
Over the past few months, Sumit and Jenny have been traveling around India, enjoying their married life. They frequently share positive messages on social media and recently celebrated their second wedding anniversary in Jaipur. While their plans to move to the U.S. have yet to be disclosed, some speculate that they may choose to stay in India permanently, as Jenny is thoroughly enjoying the country’s culture and places. Sumit has also expressed his desire to remain in his homeland, even after being disowned by his family.
Despite the inspiring way they fought for their love, Sumit and Jenny still receive hateful comments about their age difference. Sumit recently opened up about how he handles such critics, explaining that he doesn’t have many words to explain his love for the 66-year-old Jenny. However, he firmly believes that his love for her is enough to prove that age is irrelevant. He expressed his desire for people to stop fixating on the age gap, emphasizing that their love for each other is all that matters.
Fans of the couple showed support and love for Sumit’s statement, agreeing that their age difference is inconsequential in their case. Meanwhile, Sumit and Jenny have been keeping busy with their lives in India. Jenny revealed that they have an online food business, with Sumit working as a cook. Although Jenny’s rumored job at a hotel in India as a concierge remains discreet, there is no indication on Sumit’s Instagram page about his current employment status, which may explain why the couple has so much free time together.
Sumit Singh and Jenny Slatten have also become regulars in many 90 Day Fiancé spin-offs. They joined the cast of Pillow Talk this year, where they provide their reactions to The Other Way Season 4 and engage with the show’s content.