Has Tina Arnold, known for her appearance on TLC’s 1000-Lb. Best Friends, succumbed to the mounting pressure and harsh criticism from fans? Is she attempting to shield herself from the critique by making her social media profiles private? A perplexed fan of the TLC series turned to Reddit to inquire about the status of Tina’s Facebook account.

Tina Arnold Begs For Money, Makes Social Media Private?

In a recent Reddit thread, a fan of TLC’s 1000-Lb. Best Friends expressed curiosity about the status of Tina’s Facebook account. The original poster questioned whether Tina had made her account private after her plea for financial assistance received a mixed response.

As it turns out, Tina’s Facebook account is still active and publicly accessible. Fans collectively speculated that she may have blocked the original poster. Another fan chimed in on the Reddit thread, clarifying that Tina remained highly active on Facebook. In fact, she had recently made a post seeking monetary contributions.

In her post, Tina explained that it was Mary’s 18th birthday and expressed her hope of receiving $18 from anyone willing to contribute via Cash App. She aimed to surprise Mary with the collected funds. Tina emphasized that her Facebook page consisted mostly of friends and family, and she was not encouraging fans of 1000-Lb. Sisters to send her money. Instead, she was utilizing her profile to reach out to loved ones who wished to make Mary’s day special. In concluding her post, Tina reiterated that sending money was entirely optional, emphasizing that she appreciated any gestures of kindness towards her no-longer-a-baby daughter.

A Reddit user shared a screenshot of Tina’s Facebook post, providing an exact account of what she had written.

She Knew The “Monsters” Would Come For Her

Being fully aware of the attention her Facebook post would attract, especially from the Reddit community, the TLC personality even acknowledged them in her post. Tina also revealed that she had kept this particular post hidden from Mary, intending to surprise her with any funds received. However, she acknowledged the presence of troublesome individuals on her page who might spoil the surprise.

What are your thoughts on Tina Arnold’s request for financial support on Facebook? Do you believe she is solely reaching out to friends and family members? Or, do you suspect she hopes fans of the show will also contribute? Share your opinions in the comments section, and stay tuned for more updates on TLC news.

By Lylla

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