Tammy Slaton, known for her role on TLC’s 1000 Lb Sisters alongside her sister Amy, has become a well-known name in the world of reality TV. The show chronicles their weight loss journey and the challenges they face along the way. However, the Slaton sisters have made significant progress since the beginning of their journey.
Like her sister, Tammy often shares glimpses of their daily lives and accomplishments on social media. Recently, she surprised fans by posting a rare video that showcased her true appearance, free from filters. This move came in response to a critical comment she received, prompting her to address the issue head-on.
Tammy, who is known for using filters in her uploads, decided to confront the comment by posting an unfiltered, candid video on her Instagram. In the video, she revealed her bare face and confidently stated, “This is what I really look like,” followed by a sarcastic expression and a well-wishing remark of “have a nice day” to the commenter.
Tammy’s snappy response received widespread support from many fans of 1000 Lb Sisters, who quickly flooded the comments section. One fan emphasized that it doesn’t matter if she uses filters or not because Tammy will always be the queen in their eyes.
Another fan came to her defense, pointing out that she literally films a reality TV show without using filters, highlighting her authenticity. A third follower expressed their love for Tammy, both with and without filters. Many other fans rallied behind her, defending and praising her in the comments.
Tammy’s decision to share a filter-free video not only showcased her confidence but also demonstrated her willingness to address criticism directly. It is a testament to her growth and self-acceptance throughout her weight loss journey.