Has Dannielle Merrifield from Seeking Sister Wife discovered her third pregnancy after separating from her husband, Garrick Merrifield? Speculations have arisen suggesting that she secretly gave birth to another child while keeping it hidden from the public. Furthermore, there is evidence to support the claim that the couple split around the same time. Read on for more details.

Rumors of Dannielle Merrifield’s Pregnancy After Parting Ways with Garrick

Dannielle Merrifield already had two sons when she and Garrick Merrifield began their search for a sister wife. It appeared that they had no intention of expanding their family. In fact, their first potential sister wife, Roberta, was actively trying to conceive a child with Garrick. Since Roberta had not yet moved to America, getting pregnant would mean Garrick might have to travel to Brazil. Uncertain of how long he would be away, Dannielle worried about potentially losing her husband. Ultimately, Roberta left the family, and they later met Nathalia, with whom Dannielle has not connected in the same way as she did with Roberta.

In the present time, it seems that Dannielle has given birth to a baby, and various signs point to this fact. She took an eight-month break from social media in 2023, and the Merrifields are currently selling their new home, which features baby furniture in the listing photos. Furthermore, a baby bouncer has been spotted in their livestreams. The question arises: Was Dannielle in the process of leaving Garrick when she discovered her pregnancy? According to Starcasm, the episode list indicates that the couple took a month-long break, during which they encountered trust issues with Nathalia.

In episode 8, scheduled to air on April 22nd, 2024, the description reads: “After a month apart, Dannielle calls Garrick with shocking news.” Speculations now suggest that the shocking news could be her pregnancy, which aligns with the timeline. Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield visited Nathalia in the fall of 2022, after which Dannielle disappeared from Instagram in early 2023. Her last post was on January 3rd, 2023, and she returned on September 3rd, 2023, with a Reel.

The Truth Unveiled

Seeking Sister Wife fans have grown weary of Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield and their story. Many express their confusion as to why Dannielle continues to hold on. Some speculate that she may be staying for the sake of a potential acting career, although there is no concrete evidence supporting this claim. If Dannielle did indeed separate from Garrick but found out she was pregnant, it would explain her lingering presence in the relationship. Additionally, there is widespread disapproval of how Garrick uses his religion to justify his actions, including infidelity. Ultimately, only time will reveal whether they have indeed separated and if Dannielle’s shocking news is her pregnancy.

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